A new feminist organization made up of members 0f the previous "Just Say NO" and "Abstinence Only" orgs has petitioned PBS to cease showing mating dances of hummingbirds and other mating rituals of animals. "There is NOTHING beautiful about these disgusting scenes of flagrant sexuality" states the groups statement. "Our children are seeing these displays and no possible good can come from it!" The new groups is calling itself..."Just don't look"
"Just don't look" has established chapters in both large cities and small and are currently calling upon local school boards to eliminate all senior proms with the exception of those that limit the dancing to the Minuet with appropriate dress code.
According to Fox News the new movement is gaining momentum, particularly in southern states.
In breaking news, Just Don't Look staged a major demonstration this afternoon at the Revlon Corporation in Oxford, North Carolina. Several hundred chanting demonstrators marched on the headquarters of the company carrying signs and chanting..."Agents of the Devil and "Demons of disgusting sexual display." The group is demanding that Revlon cease and desist from manufacturing all products that enhance sexuality and only manufacure and sell...Chastity Belts and Penis Fly Traps!
4:00PM The Revlon Corporation has just announced that it will, in fact, succumb to the groups demands, cease manufacuring all of it's beauty enhancing products and only market...Chastity Belts and Penis Fly Traps! After the stunning announcement the protestors cheered and burst into it's campaign theme song:
"We shall get over cum
We shall get over cum
We shall get over cum one day
Deep in our hearts, we do belive
We shall get over cum one day!"