Obama To Get Even With Boehner, Netanyahu

Funny story written by Keith Shirey

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

WASHINGTON --The decision by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu and House Speaker John Boehner to set up an address to the U.S. Congress has set up a backlash by the Obama Administration. This affair was organized by Netanyahu; his ambassador to the U.S.; the pro-Israel lobby Aipac; and Sheldon Adelson, the huge donor to Bibi and the G.O.P. Reportedly the Prime Minister will cirietize Obama for trying to negotiate a nuclear agreement with Iran.

In retaliation, Obama is following the advice of, all people, Fox News Host Chris Wallace. In an arrangement cooked up by John Kerry, Israel's Labor Party invited President Obama to address its Parliament about why Israel should negotiate with Iran. It was all worked out with the U.S. ambassador in Tel Aviv behind the back of the Likud Party prime minister Netanyahu with his political enemies in parliament.

Reports leaked from the White House have it that Obama will attack Netanayhu for Israel's discriminatory treatment of Palestinians, particularly Christians; racial oppression in the occupied Palestinian territories; and the construction of illegal settlements by the Likud Party in disputed territories.

Netanyhu has responded with a threat to "be super-critical of Obama before Congress and the American People for not dropping nuclear bombs on Iran."

In return, Obama is said to be set to explain to the Israeli Parliament why some U.S. Christian denominations and university student bodies want to divest in companies that profit from Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

How Netanyahu will top that attack remains to be seen.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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