Have the Time Team found ET?

Funny story written by Big Stu

Saturday, 24 September 2011

image for Have the Time Team found ET?
Pete Doherty is seen leaving a Soho nightclub.

Following a recent excavation in Northumberland for Channel Four's Time Team, Tony Robinson has confirmed the discovery of remains believed to be from a space craft of unknown origin.

Discovered in a blast crater, the remains appear to be those of a small white rocket-powered craft with three wheels. Even more remarkable, however, was the discovery of strange writing on one of the wings.

Senior archaeologist Phil Harding said: "Actually I don't know what it is, me old darlin', but I done reckon we found ourselves a nice little Roman vase."

Aeronautic engineers from the European Space Agency have studied the craft and believe the inscription contains the words 'Top Gear', although their exact meaning and how the craft came to be there, have yet to be uncovered.

Eyewitnesses say two short irritating creatures were also seen near the crash-site, and the BBC and Morrisons are both appealing for their immediate return.

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