Arsenal pull a "Ricky Hatton" in Champion's League

Funny story written by Collins_and_Dutton

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

image for Arsenal pull a "Ricky Hatton" in Champion's League

Arsenal FC crashed out of the Champion's league last night in a sporting performance that rivalled that of battered fighter Ricky Hatton.

In a 2 round knockout, Manchester United beat Arsenal to proceed through to the final of the Champion's League which is to be held in hooligan riddled Rome.

The match was not without incident, as one TV camera managed to catch Arsene Wenger weeping from the Arsenal dugout as his team were left lying on the canvas, desperately trying to work out which Vegas casino they were in.

On a more positive note though, Wenger confirmed that he intends to still host the pool party which he had been planning to celebrate the win.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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