Arsenal manager has made a shocking announcement today, during what had been expected to be a routine press conference.
On entering the room, Wenger announced that he would not be taking questions and had a prepared statement which he intended to read out.
The statement began;
"I have decided that from today, I would be honest about something that I have tried to keep secret for many years. My real name is not Arsene Wenger. It is actually Arnold Weyman and I was born and raised in Birmingham".
From that point on Wenger/Weyman's accent changed from his famous French accent to a thick brummy one.
Weyman went onto explain that he had been constantly teased in his youth about his thick accent, even when he had relocated to Strasbourg, France in his teens. As a response he began to adopt a french accent and a new name.
Weyman however now appears to regret the switch and announced that he now wishes to be called Arnold.
Lawyers from Arsenal refused to comment on the legal implications of this blatant deceit.