BOSTON - (Sports Satire) - Thousands of Boston Celtics fans have commented that it is time for the Celtics to toss their drab green and white uniforms in the trash can.
They note that green and white are just not colors that instill fear in the eyes of their opponents.
One long time Celtics fan Hank Chillavino, 53, stated that the only color that is less menacing is the color shocking pink.
Another fan, Wynonna Pruck, 41, remarked that they also have to get rid of the pansy-looking leprechaun as their mascot.
The recently divorced Pruck, said that the leprechaun is about as scary as a ballerina or a masseuse.
So after taking all of the fan suggestions to heart, team owner Wycliffe Grousebeck has decided to get rid of the dull dreary green-colored uniforms and they will be replaced with the fear-instilling colors black and purple.