WASHINGTON, D.C. - One of the world's top professional tennis pros, Maria Sharapova, has agreed to play the president of the United States in a benefit tennis match.
The match will take place in the summer at The Dr. Renee Richards Tennis Courts in the nation's capitol.
The idea for the match was thought up by Vice-President Joe Biden, first lady Michelle Obama, and civilian presidential adviser Oprah Winfrey.
Tickets for the benefit tennis match will be priced at $700 for adults and $300 for children under the age of 12.
All proceeds from the tennis match will go to help pay off some of the tremendous deficit the country has accured.
In a pre main match Vice-President Joe Biden will be participating in a tennis match against retired tennis legend Martina Navratilova who has promised not to kick the vice-president's caboose too badly.
The president was asked how he felt playing against one of the most beautiful and sexiest athletes in the world.
He grinned and said "Let's be truthful here. We all know that there ain't gonna be a single person in the stands watching me. They will all be focused on Maria Sharapova's fabulously gorgeous body and rightly so."
SIDENOTE: The president commented that he could show up in an Abominable Snowman's outfit and no one would notice.