NASA Announces That They Have Fired The Fortune Teller That Was On Their Payroll

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 7 April 2014

image for NASA Announces That They Have Fired The Fortune Teller That Was On Their Payroll
President Obama talking with NASA's Trent Timmelfarb regarding the NASA fortune teller.

HOUSTON - NASA Spokesperson Trent Timmelfarb has just informed the news media that they have fired the fortune teller that had been a part of their space administration staff.

The story first came to light when discovered by Fitzwater Ribicoff with American Spotlight Magazine back in early March.

Ribicoff was doing an investigatory piece on the fuel used to power the space shuttles when he just happened to come upon the fact that NASA had hired a fortune teller, identified as Mr. Pompano Apricot, at a salary of $175,000 per year.

When Ribicoff began to ask questions regarding Mr. Apricot many of the staff members informed him to talk to Trent Timmelfarb.

Ribicoff did and was told that he (Timmelfarb) was extremely busy and he would get back with him whenever he could.

American Spotlight Magazine decided to contact President Obama and ask him why NASA felt that they needed a fortune teller on their staff, and especially at a cost to the US taxpayer of $175,000 per year.

The president said he would look into the matter and after doing so gave the order to fire Mr. Apricot.

STORY UPDATE: President Obama now wants to know who it was who felt that NASA needed to hire a fortune teller in the first place.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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