NASA Says Alien Invasion 'Imminent'

Funny story written by Monkey Woods

Sunday, 6 May 2018

image for NASA Says Alien Invasion 'Imminent'
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Representatives of all the world's leading governments have been summoned to an unprecedented emergency summit in Helsinki on Wednesday afternoon, after NASA released a statement which affirms that an alien invasion from space is "imminent".

The news comes after a US early warning satellite picked up ultra-low frequency radio signals from deep space on Thursday sparking fears that they could have been sent by the inhabitants of a distant warlike star.

This is, as yet, still unconfirmed.

Immediate plans include putting all major cities on Special Black Alert, with an 8pm curfew and restrictions on travelling. Martial law is also to be enforced worldwide. Food and water, as well as emergency supplies of fuel and clothing are to be distributed where necessary, and special medical centers are to be made available to those in need of urgent assistance.

A response to the signals received was hastily put together and broadcast into space on Friday evening. No details are available, but included with the response was a tweet from President Donald Trump.

There has been no further contact, but NASA officials say they are confident that it's 'extremely unlikely' that this 'radio silence' has anything to do with President Trump's tweet.

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