FDA approves clinical trial using Ecstacy-like drug

Funny story written by Skews Me

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

image for FDA approves clinical trial using Ecstacy-like drug

Psychiatrists at the University of Maryland have received FDA approval to begin clinical trials using a drug similar to MDMA, or Ecstacy as it is commonly known, for marriage counseling.

"Similar research years ago with MDMA showed great promise," said doctor Xaviar E. Obama. "Couples become much more comfortable opening up to each other. There were some amazing breakthroughs from just one session."

"Our compound is far safer than the street drug," said the doctor. "But the subjective effects are nearly identical."

This isn't the first time the university has conducted studies using what are considered recreational drugs. Between 1955 and 1967 the school experimented with the drug LSD under Army contract.

Copyright © 2007, SkewsMe

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