Following a recent report by a respected male physicist into the cancer beating properties of breast milk, men all over the world are beating a path to local hospitals in a bid to buy gallons of the white stuff.
New borns are being tossed aside as the lucrative market gains hold and midwives everywhere are pumping milk for the masses.One midwife commented, "I really haven't got time for this interview, I've got 10 hungry miners to feed."
In a further twist, the same male physicist has also proved that sperm is actually good for the female complexion. In studies on rats they all had significantly glossier coats and healthy wet noses after ingesting male semen, he announced today, therefore proving beyond doubt that sperm is good for the skin.
The physicist in question has published his finding regarding breast milk and sperm in a forty page reports to The Lancet entitled "Foaming White Substances that are Definitely Good For You" and hopes to be canonised within his lifetime.