Genetic Dodos Coming Back … For No Apparent Reason

Funny story written by Ana Sian

Saturday, 4 February 2023

image for Genetic Dodos Coming Back … For No Apparent Reason
If You Bring It Back, Won't You Just Kill It Again? Duh, Dodos!

A genetic research group that enjoys playing god wants to bring back the dodo. And maybe some dinosaurs. And maybe Abe Lincoln. And maybe Donald Trump (he died, right? He didn’t? Oh, sorry, wrong news source.)

A spokesperson named Shecky (not sure if he was speaking for the genetic company, but what the hell, journalism’s basically about talking heads anyway) said:

“Yeah, they’s gonna bring back tons of shit – like there’s not enough shit already on this planet. I say clone some water and food – the prices are through the roof – or clone some oil, make it in the backyard and tell Saudi Arabia and the OPEC nations to fuck themselves, we don’t need their oil no more. But if it’s the dodo first, what’s next? Dinosaurs?

"Some of those fucks would do it, and take the money and run to a place where no dinosaurs roam. See what money does?

"Don’t trust no company that tries to play god.

"Bill Gates needs to retire before we let him own the food we eat and everything else. Do NOT clone more of him!

"For the love of god … why can’t these goddamn money launderers just leave things alone, or clone something to make life better? Food, clean water, cheap medicine that works and that won’t turn us all either dead or into … dodos.”

With all the technology we have ... a dodo? Really? That's the best the eggheads can come up with? Why are smart people so fucking stupid?

I'd rather a dodo manipulate and control our future, thank you very much!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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