The incredible whiteness of being

Funny story written by Ecelectic Forbes

Sunday, 16 May 2021

image for The incredible whiteness of being
The incredible whiteness of being

In 2020 amongst all the COVID hysteria, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement was a big media trend as well as those that used to take the knee before sporting contests started, but wouldn't you have been more BLM devoted if you went on both knees?

What if someone was being whipped and beaten while singing the national anthem?

What if the multi-millionaire sportsmen went to go live in predominantly lower income neighbourhoods for a week before the big game?

What if someone went on all fours? Would they be 75% more BLM, than being on one knee? Now that the fad for BLM has died down and people aren’t focusing on taking the knee before proceedings, does that mean that BLM doesn’t matter any more? What about if someone has parents of mixed race? Should they have been considered only partly oppressed, and as such only received an equal percentage of our sympathy according to their black genealogy? What if someone grew up wealthy, their parents are black, their grandparents are black and their grandparents. However as they get older and more wealthy, they become more embittered with life and end up beating their domestic servants?

Would they still be able to qualify their sympathy for BLM? What if their servants were white, when they were giving them the beatdown? What about Idi Amin and Robert Mugabe? Would they have qualified to stand for the whatever the BLM movement is supposed to mean, if they had taken the knee before events?

And what if we consider “(insert your cause) history month”, these groups have absolutely forgotten how to communicate the concerns of the individuals and parties concerned and have just blended activist slogans for their own devices or to slingshot their own social media profile. History is a wide ranging subject, but when you choose to cut it up into little pieces so that you can focus on isolated issues and use it to promote your own agenda, you only further entrench differences and help to divide society along social lines.

We cannot undo the misdeeds of the past by just over emphasising that the grandchildren of today have to make reparations for the grandparents of yesteryear. We should be promoting an agenda of equality, social understanding and inclusiveness supported by education. So until we stop promoting; “The movement for black lesbian cats stuck in a blind dogs body awareness month”, can you really expect anyone to take a social movement seriously long term, by isolating social groups? What do you hope to achieve by acting differently to another ethnicity for a week because your great grandparents may have had a different view point on society to yourself?

Or you have only just realised that releasing YouTube videos of yourself wiping your nose and tears of sadness away, with some money you have lying about in your house, whilst giving a cup of coffee to a homeless individual, is narcissistic, but you continue anyway because you like the feeling narcissism gives you and the positive reinforcement social media comments give you.

Nothing actually changes, no-one actually conducts themselves differently towards another. There are just more meetings espousing the need for change, more adverts from your local friendly corporation telling you how much they care (as long as you spend your money with them). This is the sort of activism that fudges the lines between right and wrong, good and bad, constructive and destructive and ends up hijacking the efforts of legitimate activists and their conduct.

Imagine if we had an event everyday to highlight a tragedy, an injustice done to another group, they would all just melt into one, without any real focus on anything, nothing becomes of the genuine needs for change in society. So whose fault is the whole BLM hysteria in 2020?

It is all of our faults, because all of us just allow mainstream media to add fuel to the bonfire of racism, injustices and pent up anger, too many of us just go on as before, turning a blind eye to whatever gets in our way. Pushing aside whatever doesn’t fit into our own little boxes, but as soon as something concerns ourselves we demand change, we picket politicians and then still vote for the same blue or red, the same old man or the other same old man. We want change for the better, just as long as that change means I am still better than my neighbour. We don’t mind helping Africa as long we can still pillage their resources (obviously in an eco-friendly manner) and they will still accept a few second hand clothes for their troubles, whilst standing next to a pallet of food aid sacks for the photo-op to be placed in 1st world magazine charity appeal initiative.

As societies and nation-states, we have never been more connected, more easily able to communicate across boundaries. However we have also never been more divided locally, more tribalistic and partisan along political ideologies. We have allowed our own identities and desire to be understood, to steer us into little boxes of separate religions, races and now multiple gender pronouns. Our leaders so often are corrupt or are too bothered by what their financial backers agendas are, so they lead us on diverging paths, away from bipartisan co-operation and mutual understanding and into openly hostile disregard.

So often we rely on the rumour being passed round our social platforms, just so that we can have the approving nod of acceptance and faux friendship from another drunk, “anonymous_poster123” or fellow employee, which can eventually lead to more social harm than good. “...Just go with the flow, Dude!” as Disney insidiously tells us in “Finding Nemo”. Instead we should be doing and believing as Mohandas Gandhi states: “Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If you’re right and you know it, speak your mind.” And this very principal of Gandhi’s you can see bearing rewards as you read this.

Donald Trump, considered by many to be the most disastrous democratic sovereign statesman in a long time, absolutely believed and did as Gandhi stated above. In his wake, he mobilised and motivated a generation of activists, community enthusiasts and campaigners to put aside their differences, to come together in bipartisan cooperation and work for meaningful change. They too, in many cases have also being doing as Gandhi stated. And so they should continue to do so, the world over needs to be openly voicing their thoughts from an educated and considered approach, learning to accept one another, but also not exploit each other, an efficient and well functioning democracy is reliant on us as individuals to be so, because our slogans shouldn’t be “BLACK LIVES MATTER” it should be “ALL LIVES MATTER”.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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