Survivor: GOP World

Funny story written by Exislanda

Thursday, 23 February 2012

image for Survivor: GOP World
Survivor: GOP World former champion and movie star.

Elimination Interviews We asked some of the questions that you (the fans!) sent in via Twatter and Facebonk! See what they had to say about their experiences on Survivor: GOP World, and decide for yourself who will be the ultimate candidate to take on current champion Bar Rack O'Bama in the Season Finale this coming November.

Front runner Risk Sanatorium:

Satan: When you spent forty days in the wilderness, did you feel tempted to quit?

RS: Many times, but my faith kept me going. I just thought of my Father, from whom I gain my strength.

Emo Goth: Where and why did you get those cute tattoos on your ears?

RS: Thank you, but those are not really tattoos on my ears, that is a misrepresentation. If you look very closely they are lots of voices telling me what to do. I got them at a place called Nowhere, just over the bridge.

Hey Seuss: Are you prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice to reach your goal?

RS: Of course, in Washington, I am always making sacrifices when my interests and values are put under pressure.

Mitm Romney:

A Thlete: How many gold medals did you get at the Olympics?

MR: I'm not really sure, because other people look after all my gold for me. They just keep sending it to me when I need it.

John Doe: I'm poor and hungry, and most of my friends are poor and hungry too. Can you send us some of your loose change to live of?

MR: I don't give handouts. You'll waste it all on food stamps and safety nets. Now if you got off your arse and got a job, you could have lots of money too.

P Etlover: What is your favourite animal?

MR: Oh, without a doubt, dogs. I took my dog on a hunting trip the other year and he loved the ride on top of my station wagon. Mind you, he was sick all over my kids at a gas station, must have been the small of gas.

Newt Gingnorsorich:

Cal Lista: You have had three marriages and many mistresses, where do you get the strength to continue?

NG: My first wife wasn't young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of the President; and besides, she had cancer. My second declined to accept my suggestion of an open marriage; and besides she was a bit crazy. When I beat Bar Rack O'Bama, the very first thing I will do on 20th January, is that I will pledge to uphold personal fidelity to my spouse, whoever that might be at the time.

Bay Lout: The American car industry have turned themselves around with the help of the current champion, would you have done things differently?

NG: Just because they turned round, and jobs are secure doesn't mean it was the right thing to do! When I beat Bar Rack O'Bama, the very first thing I will do on 20th January, is that I will reverse all the money going into failing industry and use it to attack Eyeran.

R Reagan: When will you stop using my name in vain? Just because I am dead and I can't refute you personally, doesn't alter the fact that I disliked you intently!

NG: When I beat Bar Rack O'Bama, the very first thing I will do on 20th January, is that I will have the 40th President's name removed from the roll.

Gudol' Ron Paul:

Libby Tarian: Some people think that you are just with the GOP for the ride, and that you will break away as an independent contender in November. Is this true?

RP: Jejejejej. Young lady!, my supporters want me to win at any price. I will go on and on and on, in any way, shape or form.

How will your experiences as a doctor help you if you win in November?

RP: Cuts! I will do some radical surgery on the budget. Not just cosmetics. Jajajajaj!

Sarah P.: Is it really as hard as it looks? I've wanted to do GOP Survivor for YEARS!

RP: It is harder than it looks. You need to have a very, very thick skin. You need to have a very clear idea of who you are and what you want out of life. And cut down on the tea. Jojojojo!

Bar Rack O'Bama:

US Public: Which of the contenders do you fear most to come against you in the Season Finale?

BO: None! But I shall pray for them.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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