Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Vacationing In Hawaii And Necking On The Beach Like There's No Tomorrow

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Saturday, 28 May 2011


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image for Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Vacationing In Hawaii And Necking On The Beach Like There's No Tomorrow
Justin and Selena are actually lying just to the right of Justin's sneakers. (Photo courtesy of Summersetter Faxx).

HONOLULU - The Pacific Ocean waves were cascading onto the scenic beach as the Hawaiian evening breeze blew ever so gently causing the majestic palm trees to sway in the flaming crimson Polynesian sky.

And laying out on an isolated portion of the beach were heartthrob sensations Justin Bieber and his girlfriend Selena Gomez. The two had rubbed suntan lotion on each other and were oblivious to the only media reporter who had managed to get personally invited to interview the happy couple.

Summersetter Faxx with Bedroom Pillow Talk has been close to the couple ever since she wrote a great complimentary story on both of their mothers.

Justin was so touched by Summersetter's article that he gave her a free pass for front row seats to all of his music concerts for 2011.

Selena was equally as appreciative and she gave Faxx a $1,000 gift certificate to the beauty salon Fit For A Queen located on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

Fit For A Queen specializes in Continental Manicures, Asian Pedicures, and European Tongue Massages.

Both Bieber and Gomez have always said that they really appreciate the way that Miss Faxx has always agreed not to print stories that could conceivably hurt both of their feelings and careers.

Justin said that he was thrilled that she had not printed the story back in March about him getting bucked off his Shetland pony "Little Fella."

He laughed and said that he certainly learned his lesson and will never again ride "Little Fella" while wearing flip flops and in the pouring rain.

Bieber also noted that unlike other entertainment news agency reporters Summersetter will not print any upskirt photos of Selena no matter how much any rival news agency may offer her.

Selena said that Faxxy as she calls her was allowed to take all of the photos that she wanted of her and Justin laying out on the beach while necking like there's no tomorrow.

Gomez said that both her and Justin are presently looking into suing the supermarket tabloids Just Saying and Say What for printing nude photos which they said were of Selena and which were in fact actually photos of 24-year-old Ke$ha.

In other news. Celebrity Apprentice castoff Meat Loaf stated that he has scheduled an appointment with a teardrop specialist in Philadelphia to see about fixing his constant crying affliction.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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