When the school boy, wearing dull parched cobbled shoes, saw the glistening leather boots of his classmate, the boy turned spellbound.
After class, the same child, walking along with his parents, hand in hand, still kept his head turned back to imbue his eyes with the last minute gleaming of the classmate's leather boots. It was at these moments that the boy sighed i. e., he felt dejected and abandoned.
At home, curling up on a threadbare rug, he dreamed of shiny boots. Of course, he was too young to understand money matters. As he grew up, he experienced more and more deprivations. Putting all alternatives in perspective, he saw he had tried every option to no avail: anger, tears, tantrums …
Well, he never forgot what his father had once conveyed to him about the child's grandfather: he was fairly rich; died young; his wealth ransacked by his relatives. The more the child delved into his own past, the angrier he became. He, finally, concluded that he was born in the wrong time and wrong place. As he went on, he metaphysically determined that a mysterious force was acting against him. And he wished to be protected by a counterpart. In other words, he was experiencing the natural concept of religion.
Lucky him, when he was overburdened by pain, he felt the second mysterious force would come along and lessen his throbbing ache. Despite his great losses, he was glad he had earned a new soothing source of remedy.
Whatever; he, as a child, was too young to tell apart the reality from fantasy. He, later, found other peers bragging of having same mysterious friend.
His shoes were still rugged and much cobbled. One day, outside a teahouse, a man bought him a cup of tea and offered him a job at the house of god's sole representative on planet earth. The boy was flabbergasted. Anyway, his job ironically turned out to be the lord's shoeshine boy. When he saw the mass of shoes, he almost swooned.
One day, around 10 o'clock in the morning, his brush fell off the attic window, and he had to climb down a window ledge to fetch it. During his descent, he saw what he shouldn't have seen: the man of god and a dozen naked women were twining twisting coiling enlacing like worms and hysterically laughing and performing odd manners of copulation. Periodically, a female would whistle and ask the females to take a voluntary 'position' to please more the Lord of the earth; thereafter, the naked females would take a position on their own initiative called Sim's, Knee-chest, Lithotomy, or Trendelenburg's positions.
Unfortunately for the shoeshine boy, the girl with Trendelenburg's position, facing the ceiling, saw him on the ledge and pointed him out to the Lord. The boy, seeing the threat, jumped and ran for his life. Days and nights barefooted he walked until he reached a monastery in front of which a beggar with an amputated foot sat next to his pan. The boy sat down, too, inquiring about his life story; it was a mirror image of the barefooted-shoeshine-boy refugee, with the exception of being captured and amputated for sneaking a look. For the first time in his life, the refugee boy exhaled a sigh of relief!