Following several ergonomic studies related to the performance of the human foot in various footwear configurations, scientists at one U.S. tire company have developed a zero padding shoe style based on their award winning tire tread design.
Nicknamed the "Flat Foot", the sandal-like shoe forces the runner to absorb the shock of a stride on the ball of his or her foot instead of the heel. "For years we've had it wrong", says former Nikke shoe engineer, Mike Callus. "Heel to toe running takes all of the energy out of a stride, when loading up energy on the ball of a foot allows the foot and calf muscles to propel the runner forward. Now it's all a matter of creating a rock solid tread design".
"And we have one", says new spin off company B.F. Goodfoot president, Mitch Elinmann. "Our all weather tire tread kicks ass on the foot as well". Showing video footage to support his claim, the shoe's tread squirts water away from the center allowing solid traction on all running surfaces. "With minimal padding and a kick ass tread, we've been kicking some serious ass in the marketplace too", says Elinmann. "Did I mention it was kick ass?"
B.F. Goodfoot marketing VP, Buster Knozjobb, provided recent sales figures to support Elinmann's claims. "And I told him that using the term 'kick ass', would make us more appealing to the younger crowd. That's my bad there".
Knozjobb also told reporters that B.F. Goodfoot is planning the release of a new line of off road shoes, depending on running conditions. "Our sand scoop 'Dune Buggy' treads will be fantastic for walking beaches or climbing dunes, and our 'Daddy's Home Early' shoe allows quick slip on and a fast get away.