Donald Duck & Goofy: The Taliban Killers

Funny story written by Dignan

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Open on a lonely bar in the middle of the Nevada desert.

Goofy, drowning in the loss of his favorite Frisbee, is approached by Col. Trautman about a dangerous mission that only he and he alone can accomplish - kill Osama Bin Laden and all "evil-doer" Taliban extremists. Goofy tells Trautman that he's done fighting wars for the government.

Goofy is outside licking his nuts when he sees Donald Duck approaching from the distance on a flaming red, white and blue crotch rocket. Donald tells Goofy to put the past behind him, they high-five, embrace and immediately jump on a flight out of Edwards AFB for the Middle East.

Over the mountains of Afghanistan, Donald and Goofy do a night HALO jump armed with only two Rambo knifes and one match. Against impossible odds, they track and kill Osama and all his evil doers and eat their still-beating, malevolent little hearts out of their rib cages.

The film would climax in a breathtaking Anti-Taliban interpretive dance around a large bonfire with "evil-doer" blood smeared all over Donald's face and chest - all to the music of Michael Sembello's "Maniac" from the Paramount Pictures all-time classic motion picture film Flashdance.

Goofy is off in the distance, the light from the fire dancing across his hardened face. He does a bong hit out of Osama's skull and remembers his best days with his long, lost Frisbee.

Fade out.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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