Taliban Opening Up T-Bay Cyber Auction Site

Funny story written by drugtestallpoliticians

Friday, 3 August 2007

image for Taliban Opening Up T-Bay Cyber Auction Site
Anti-Bush memorabilia makes big profit

Taliban City, Talibania (IP) - On the scene reporter Ebenezer Finootch reports that Taliban industries has announced the grand opening of a cyber auction site that will be called T-bay. Mr. Finootch reports that it will resemble the very popular and successful cyber auction operating out of the American west coast.

Some notable differences are that guns and other military hardware will be allowed as auction items. Also instead of using numbers to signify feedback a system will be used where the symbols of fingers attached to hands will indicate the reliability of the buyers and sellers.
Those who cheat will have digits removed both electronically and in real life. This will insure reliability to an extent probably exceeding that of the western system. Persons perceived by the Talibani religious police as being infidels will not be allowed to participate.

A check of the toy section revealed that sales of the very popular toy plastic explosives suicide belt are running high as are the Jihad Josaph dolls for boys which resemble G.I. JOE. Another popular toy is the pinata made to look like a westerner or other infidel.

In the automobile auction section we found that sales of the Talivan SUV and the Insurgency 2008 sports car that are very popular in the region are running high.

Bidders just do not seem to be able to get enough of the home brewed AK-47 assault weapons and machetes are a very popular item.

In the clothes section we found brisk sales of orange jump suits and the PLO sports polo style shirts with the golden AK-47 rifle symbol where the pocket would go.

Video camera sales are brisk as are video tapes of the American TV series "24" which the Mullahs say causes viewers to pray more often than those who are not familiar with the show.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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