Close friend of Rebekah Brooks reveals that Rebekah has a crush on Ireland's Darren Clarke. Oldest winner of Open Championship since 1967

Funny story written by Lady Godiva

Sunday, 17 July 2011


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image for Close friend of Rebekah Brooks reveals that Rebekah has a crush on Ireland's Darren Clarke. Oldest winner of Open Championship since 1967
Golfers now getting the attention of 'lusting' females

A close friend of Rebekah Brooks has revealed that whilst other women are out there chasing after football stars, such as Chicharito and John Terry, Rebekah has a really big crush on Ireland's golfer, Darren Clarke, 42 years of age.

Darren is the oldest winner, at 42, of The Open Championship since 1967. He is, as many of his female fans have described him, a good looking 'chap' with salt and pepper hair and a great tan. He's also worth a few shillings and is, seemingly a very nice person.

He finished 5 under par with a total of 275 which left him 3 clear of Mickleson. Thus bringing to him his latest victory

Golfers are facing some terrible weather conditions during the next few weeks as Britain is facing some extremely wicked storms, the like of which have not been experienced in years. Winds up to 30 miles per hour are predicted in various parts of Britain.

As far as Rebekah's crush on Darren is concerned, there is no confirmation from her 'camp'. However, if true, this may well take many females, including present WAG's and TAG's, into a whole new sport as they turn their affections to golfers, making for some refreshing stories on the Gossip pages of the dailies which are becoming a little predictable.

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