(Emeryville, California) - An Animation Studio has started production on the latest installment of three-dimensional Zeitgeist: the true-to-life story of Paul the Octopus.
Calling it "a subaquatic Sid and Nancy", studio executives expect the film to fill the void created by the cancellation of 'newt', a film that was halted earlier this year.
Studio Exec #1: "We decided to spare audiences the romantic comedy regarding the Earth's final two blue-footed newts, focusing instead on the insane, drug-and-sex-fueled companionship witnessed between Paul and his girlfriend, Nancy Sponge (a.k.a. SpongeNancy FancyPants)."
Studio Exec #2: "Most people only saw the mythical positive sides of Paul, whereas we want viewers to also see the negative sides. Afterall, he was a human being too. One could say that theirs was a sad beautiful relationship, marred only by the enormous heaps of heroin they consumed on a regular basis."
Barring legal action, the film is expected to hit theaters during the summer of 2012.