WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA - Matt Damon and Ben Affleck practically invented it, Brad Pitt and George Clooney openly and publicly embraced it, while Lance Armstrong, Matthew McConaghey and Jake Gyllenhaal seem to be happy having merely experimented with it. Now, it appears former President Vicente Fox of Mexico and President Obama's half-brother George have been caught up in the throes of a full-fledged, whirlwind "bromance."
Tabloid television's TMZzzz shot footage of the two at the White House today during President Obama's announcement on health care reform legislation. Red-eyed and obviously stoned out of their minds, the blazed-up buds got busted attempting to get close enough to heckle the President. Later, the two were filmed sharing a spliff, wrestling on the front lawn of the White House, high-fiving and slapping each other on the ass, prompting Harvey Levin to quip, "Talk about bromancing the stoned."
According to sources close to the two, the relationship took seed when they met at a conference to promote the decriminalization of marijuana, and has since budded into a full-blown "bromance." Now, the pair has become practically inseparable, not to mention surrounded by a perpetual cloud of pot smoke.
Olympic gold-medalist Michael Phelps is rumored to be "green with envy" at the bromantic interlude, and is in pursuit of both Fox and Obama for a little 3-way action, reefer madness style.