Elton gives Britney the hairdryer treatment in Stern interview.

Funny story written by Fergus McCarthy

Tuesday, 27 March 2007


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image for Elton gives Britney the hairdryer treatment in Stern interview.
Is this the look Britney longs for?

Oops! Sir Elton's done it again, this time the target of the rocket man's newly primed missile is the much maligned and publicly played out demise and fall of the former princess of pop Britney Spears.

During an interview with Howard Stern today Elton was asked if he had any message of support for Miss Spears and replied bitchily: "The best bit of advice I can give her on support is to put her bloody underwear back on and give her tit's the support they deserve and her fanny the privacy we all crave"

The outspoken entertainer continued his attack much to the delight of Sterns production team accusing Britney of publicly mocking him.

He fumed "It's getting beyond a joke now, I'm sick to death of her copying and laughing at me, she got married to a member of the opposite sex just like me and now she's getting divorced, breakdown, rehab, drugs, even Robbie bloody Williams has had the decency to not get married just to try and emulate me, but Britney shagging Spears has to go and shave her hair off just to make me look foolish because I had to buy my lovely new barnet and now she's at the dentist taking the piss out of me because of the gap in my teeth.

"It's all Me! Me! Me! with that girl, Michael Jackson and Diana Ross all over again, next thing It'll be a big pair of glasses and plastic surgery just to look like my bloody twin. I can tell you one thing Howard being a gay icon can be a pain in the arse sometimes.

Get me on the next plane to Heathrow I've had enough of being bloody stalked!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, Elton has left the building.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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