Ducks May Quit Show

Funny story written by Bureau

Monday, 3 February 2014

image for Ducks May Quit Show

As usual they have had the head of the family to speak for the whole group, Phil Robertson.

"We have talked it over and decided to give it another year. As most folks know, we are not in need of the money but we are seeing it as changing our lives and we want it to be simple again."

Robertson's son stated that he was ashamed by the way his father was treated by the media after one of his sermons.

"There was no call for that. Firing dad after the way he spoke the truth. They don't want to hear the truth."

The final blow may be that there have been at least a hundred "Duck Dynasty Fan Clubs" popping up all over the United states and several in Canada.

"It's nice that what I say means something to them, but this other thing is what we are concerned about."

"This other thing" that Robertson is talking about is the groupies that have been stalking them.

"Our wives don't like that and neither do we. I don't say they don't mean well, but just watch the show is all we ask. "You listen and you'll learn what a true family is."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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