Justin Bieber is supposed to be locked up in jail tonight because of all the drugs and weird stuff found in his home in California.
Yet he was seen outside his home by several of his neighbors as they drove by.
"He even waved at them."
"He's just mocking us", stated Loretta Ginsberg. "He is just another famous person who can get by with anything. Those judges let them off no matter what."
However, a quick check at the County Sheriff's office showed us that while Bieber had been warned about the recent egg-a-thon and questioned about drugs found in a guest's room, there was nothing to charge Bieber with.
"Bieber's just having fun but we shook him up a bit. He's paid the neighbor for the egg mess."
How all these stories get out is mostly rumor and people believing the worst. The guest admitted the drugs were hers.
Also, Bieber agreed to a drug test and he passed it easily.
Sheriff Greene: "Now some of his neighbors say he actually 'Waved at them' and called us again. I told them if it was his hand waving, to leave him alone. He'll grow up. I wonder what these people were doing at his age? Those are pretty expensive houses up there."