El Salvador to become the Switzerland of the Americas

Funny story written by Ana Sian

Saturday, 13 May 2023

image for El Salvador to become the Switzerland of the Americas
So many banks in the Caribbean Sea ...

El Salvador has vowed to become the New Switzerland of the Americas in a few years' time, thanks to crypto.

The leader of the tiny Central American country has cut taxes for tons of things, especially for anyone who wants to invent stuff and make the nation rich. Got a brain in your head? Can you invent the new Sham-Wow? Or a better My Pillow? No taxes for you.

Of course, there's tons of violence, but they're working on it; give them time. The USA has crippled most of the Caribbean for a long time, so poverty, crime, and uncooked burritos are rampant.

El Salvador wants to rise to the creamy top by being the bank for all of the Americas, not just "America". Want to rob a bank, a train, deal some drugs? Where do all those Mexican and Colombian drug cartels keep their money?

Crypto is a great disguise and instantly launders all transactions. And keeps them safe far from where you live, so the feds can bust open your house but not your bank account (unlike today). The Swiss got the idea first, but now the New World wants some of that immunity when it comes to being invaded by America.

That's why they're doing it. America made them poor, so now they're fighting back.

After El Salvador, it's gonna be Haiti next, unless America and Canada kill everyone on that half of the island and keep the boot heel on the Haitians' necks (like today).

But eventually, tomorrow comes, and the good old US of A can't compete with a new upstart nation wanting money, money, money... while all of America's banks fall down, down, down... again and again and again...

PS: It's a good idea to take your money from any and all Western banks... the world is upside-down. Now banks rob themselves, and crypto keeps your finances safe from politicians, bankers, and other people who barely work for their hefty paychecks.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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