William Hague - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

My meeting with the Syrian rebel leaders went well, one of them was quite nice. Better not say too much, with National Security and the The Daily Mirror reporters you know.
We found my other half Ffion, she had gone off on a free Barclay's Advisor's jaunt to Hawaii for the weekend without telling the maids. We expect her back this afternoon, so Julian and Lucien will have to go back to their Mayfair flats I provided for them. One of the new personal security guards looks promising, flowing locks, twinkling eyes, and nice little foibles. I've offered him further individual training at the Savoy hotel, the usual room 101.
Jeremy, our cook, says he's got some 'glazed tongue' for me for brekkers, sounds more interesting than kippers to me!
Stock-market man said I've to replace shares I sold just in time before we destroyed Bombardier.

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