William Hague - My Fake Diary
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
The breakfast staff informed me this morning, that the Christmas begging letters had started arriving early.
The usual clan of cadgers again.
I have no intention of responding to the idle appeals made from the redundant proletariat shower.
And I've already helped out Barclay's bank.
I'll give a hand out to the IMF though, as there are a few of my Offshore Investment Advisor's on their Executive Board.
I was thinking of sending some Iranian Beluga Caviar in response to the appeal from the Redundant Fox Hunters Association, and a tin of Mackerel in olive oil to the Abandoned Scottish Fishermen's Support group.
I suppose I could get my new cook Juan Longun, to put something together for the carol singers, I should really stop sending them out.
That reminds me, where my kippers and croissant.... Julian dear... Julian!
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