Susan Boyle - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la.

Singing scales falls easily from my throat, dear diary, that reminds me, my pussy, I must take her to the vet.

She may be 16, but she goes like a steam train. I want to have her back legs taken off and fit her with one of those little pram things they see in That's life. I love Cyril, he's so funny.

I was watching Hollyoaks and they had a girl on there that had had (two hads, hee hee...) a full face transplant. I wondor how much that cost..

I must ring Simon and talk about doing the National Anthem again. He wants me to do the Spanish one first to see how it goes. I don't understand.. He knows best.

That reminds me I must buy a new candle.
and a jelly.

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