Ray Mears - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

You could say that I put this encounter well and truly BEHIND me. Although I was following the tracks of 'Alan', I realised afer reading the letter that he was good at leading people astray and may be I wasn't heading north after all. I looked at where the sun was and imagined it was 8 O clock in the morning, so if I kept the sun on my left buttock, I would be travelling true North.

I began to walk in the right direction and a warm wind could be felt across my face as I traversed yet another wadi. This time I looked under a stone for a bite to eat and to my surprise I found a helmet - a pith helmet; maybe a remnant from the Battle of Omderman; otherwise known as 'Kitchener's Last Stand'. I tried the helmet on and to my surprise it fitted and it provided a welcome relief from the relentless beating sun.

Still feeling a bit peckish, I turned over more stones and under one, there was a back patch of Crude oil. I got excited about my discovery and decided to heap stones over the point and make it look like a grave so that I could come back to it when and if I ever got out of this hell.

Only about 60 miles to go before hitting the Mediterranean!

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