Prince William - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Kate's being a bit moody these past couple of days. I'm guessing it's something to do with Gran. again. That old bag loves to intefere in everyone's business. She loves to get everyone 'worked up' and arguing, then slopes off with that stupid grin on her face leaving everyone else to sort out the problem that SHE started in the first f****g place. She is one sick old biddy.

Kate muttered something about wearing gloves in public but then tears came to her eyes and she refused to continue. I'll ask grandad...He usually knows what going on....well...most of the time....poor old sod. I love it when he farts...Gran's face is always a picture. A macabre picture, but a picture non the less.

Harry's annoyed about everyone suggesting he is related to that Rebekah Brooks woman for God's sake. How ridiculous is that? I bet it sells a few papers though.

Can't wait to get together with Zara and Mike next weekend. Could do with a booze up and a few laughs.

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