Osama bin Laden - My Fake Diary
Friday, 17 October 2008
Dear Diary,
I can now reveal that I got out and helped do the Crosby & Nash tour late last year. I promised not to even write about it until I was sure I had gotten away with it. I came out after every single number and helped Crosby put a different guitar on because of his operation and not a soul noticed. I always kept my back turned.
Crosby looks great. Lost over 50 pounds. Got to meet Young at one site and gave him some more George Bush lyrics.
Funniest thing. Every time they did that Deja Vu thing and sing that "We have all been here before. We have all been here before" I would be backstage singing "We have all bin Laden before" hee hee
Crosby promised to drop by sometimes but he won't remember. How would he remember my cave when he doesn't even know where HE is half the time?
Sweet Dreams tonight. "we have all bin Ladin before..we have all bin Laden before hmmm hmmmm"
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