Osama bin Laden - My Fake Diary

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Dear Diary,

I still wonder why the Americans cannot find me. So this morning I hooked a battery to a "OSAMA'S CAVE" neon light and I put it Omerri's cave just in case. But still, nothing.

Maybe they think I will crack up under the pressure and just surrender or send myself to the virgins. Stupid people. I cracked up many years ago. Does the average person live in a cave?

I heard this little joke about why I carry a turd in my pocket- For identification! haha. Very funny.

Well I got a joke too.

What secrets will be given to new President Obama when he goes into office?

President Bush will tell him the nuclear codes and President Clinton will tell him Victoria's Secret!

Hah hah! Funny, no?

I still wonder why they don't try to find me.


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