Barack Obama - My Fake Diary

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Dear Diary,

I have lost complete control of all the spying going on in everything from governments to private citizens and most of the world countries participating.

I made an announcement today that means crap. There's no way to prevent it with all the technology available everywhere.

I can make all the announcements I like but we're all whistling in the dark.

Like nuclear weapons. I have no idea what Israel has over there but I think they would use them than be treated like they have in the past.

I might as well face the fact that the whole White House is bugged.

J. Edgar Hoover had spies everywhere and it has continued being handed down.

I have thoroughly had the bedroom checked by several different groups.

Not like we have an amazing and wild sex life.

We're like the Gas & Go Stores. Just so much variety here but it's available at 3 O'clock in the morning.

Speaking of which....


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