Barack Obama - My Fake Diary

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Burma (formerly Myanmar) - On AF1 - Not feeling so hot, my stomach is doing backflips since I ate some spicy hot cockroaches at lunch with Aung San Suu Kyi. (And I thought I had a funny name.) My mouth is watering like I'm gonna hurl and I'm supposed to meet the President of Thailand in forty-five minutes.

Whoa no! I hope that was just a fart! I only brought three pairs of underwear with me. Well, at least I have my own private bathroom on the plane, so if I do poop my pants, I can wash my drawers out in there. There are just some things you can't ask somebody else to do for you. I could flush them down the toilet, but if they got stuck it could get embarrassing.
Hum, what would Biden do? God, my stomach is killing me. Maybe I should call Joe. No, they probably record the calls from here. Betcha this has happened to Hillary. Wonder if she's ever met a World Leader with a mud track in her pant suit? Probably.

Note to self; don't try and be so macho all the time, with the eating of the spicy hot food. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Next time, just have the mild or medium cockroaches.

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