Controversial American preacher Terry Janes has provoked widespread outrage and condemnation from the international community with his latest comments concerning the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami. According to Janes the Tsunami visited on the Japanese is God's punishment for giving karaoke to the world.
In a statement made yesterday morning, Janes said "Karaoke is the music of the devil. It promotes sin, licentiousness, gay marriage and goes against the teachings of the Bible. Did Jesus die on the cross so that the whores of Babylon could warble badly sung versions of Robbie William's 'Angels'? I think not. It's been a long time comin' but the God Lord has seen fit to smite this Karaoke producing menace! Hallelujah!"
Janes is no stranger to controversy thanks to his cult youtube viral "I love the smell of burning Koran in the morning", a poorly made pastiche of Ford-Coppola's Apocalypse Now. The video became popular in the Summer of 2010 registering an impressive 6 million hits on the site.