Surprise Oil Field Discovery Off Irish Coast

Funny story written by Gabhan O'Buachalla

Monday, 22 November 2010

image for Surprise Oil Field Discovery Off Irish Coast
Oil Rigs to be constucted off Irish Coast

Ireland is sitting on top of a massive 200 billion barrel Oil Field. The Oil Field was announced just hours after Ireland agreed an EU bailout in a bid to halt a systemic risk crisis in the Eurozone economy.

The oil field worth 4 trillion dollars was discovered last April but was kept a state secret for reasons unknown.

Brian Cowen the Irish Prime Minister stated

"The country felt a bit insecure with the Lisbon Treaty vote. We wanted to test if the EU really loved us or not. We won't really need the bail out money but it was nice to know who our friends are. The UK and Sweden were sterling mates for offering us bilateral loans when things looked tough"

"We were a bit disappointed with Austria, their government are evil bullys on a power trip, asking us for whooping increases in our citizens tax rates, they really kick ya when your down, no surprise Hitler was born there"

Brian Lenihan the Minister for Finance added

"I've being saying all along we didn't need a bail out, we just went along for the craic, a bit of a leg pull on the international community to see who our real friends were"

Ireland has long being known for it's Guinness but Ireland will now be associated with another type of "Black Stuff" Crude Oil.

A baffled and bemused EU/IMF team have yet to respond to the Irish Announcement but a source within the EU commission has stated

"Ve have failed to factor the luck of the Irish into our permutations, ze 4th Reich project will take great interest in exploiting natural resources to the Vest"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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