NASA & Russia Both Visiting Asteroid Heading Toward Earth

Funny story written by Bureau

Friday, 13 August 2010

image for NASA & Russia Both Visiting Asteroid Heading Toward Earth
Asteroid 1999 RQ36

Earth, meet Asteroid 1999 RQ36! - Something that isn't quite right is going on and the American people, actually everyone on earth, need to know about it.

Asteroid 1999 RQ36, which has a chance of hitting the Earth before the year 2200 has been reported on, but few facts are being told, apparently to avoid a panic.

However, a recently fired NASA'employee has spilled his guts and told us that the 1999 RQ36 could speed up the date of the asteroid's arrival, which is now due on September, 24, 2182.

"The Russians have been studying this for two years now and have recently sent a team of cosmonauts up to find out how the asteroid could be steered away from the earth, keeping it out of it's path."

Now we are getting a crew together in Houston and asking for the funding, according to the Source.

Of course, these astronauts and cosmonauts are merely on trial trips to visit and compare notes.

"They better get their notes and acts together because they cannot promise that the asteroid won't speed up as it gets closer to the earth's pull. They are simply keeping the public quiet. 'No need to panic' and all that."

"But I, for one, am about to lose it. Thanks for keeping my name out."

Something is definitely happening because the moon shots have been canceled. Instead, we see both countries working on asteroids.

Plus, why has President Obama's hair turned white almost overnight? He looks like he's aged teen years.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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