TEL-AVIV: There is a big buzz in Israeli circles that Pakistan is secretly holding talks with the Jewish state with a view to granting it recognition. Included in these talks - reported to be shepherded by Turkey are prominent politicians and even - gasp - some clerical leaders!
Pakistan, which has never had either a sense of national identity or a coherent foreign policy continues to struggle for survival. Pak Army dictators have brain-washed the ignorant masses into believing they are 'ethnic Arabs' while simultaneously indoctrinating the Great Unwashed to become terrorists as part of a 'strategic assets' policy - to no avail.
Pakistan has survived as a schizophrenic Army-with-a-nation thanks only to funding by its murderous Saudi militant mentors and gullible US benefactors.
Now with the Big US squeeze, the Likiweaked Pakistanis are being forced to revisit earlier failed policies. This week's Pak policy of extortion towards the US is therefore:
"Give us more cash and we'll recognize Israel"
[This doesn't mean Pak's official "anti US-India-Israel" tirade will stop.]
Back in Islamabad Pak's Minister of Official Denials, the owl-faced Abou Babou denied that there was any change in Pak's policy on Israel.
Pak TV stations immediately reported that he was to be replaced soon by a new Minister of Official Denials.