World aid agencies throw cold water on Pak's appeal for flood-aid

Funny story written by shea lo

Sunday, 8 August 2010

image for World aid agencies throw cold water on Pak's appeal for flood-aid

NIAGARA-FALLS, CANADA: An emergency meeting of world aid agencies ended in the usual stalemate.

After an exhilarating barrel-ride over the Falls followed by a simple buffet of: maple-smoked-salmon, fiddlehead greens-bisque, buffalo-tenders-carpaccio, poutine and saskatoonberry-pie, representatives of these agencies threw cold water over the Pak Army's request for 'more financial aid' for flood victims.

An angry US member actually had the temerity to state:

"If they need money to aid their flood victims why in the Sam Hill can't the politicians-Army-Intelligence start chipping in their 'own' cash. Hell - they've bled us dry for over trillions of $$$.

A good start would be to cut their defence budget by 50%. Why are they still shoring up their newkewlar arsenal while their country is drowning? How come their bombs, Hercules choppers and F-16s can't help their flood victims?"

The world's fattest man, well known African dictator Mungo Jamongoman surrounded by his 12 wives said:

" It is verrry distubbing that the Pak govament is note wuking propahly for its people. Aafrika is also verrrry verrry poor and our needs are also verrry verry impoh-tent. My country needs verrry verry much aid to harvest our bledd diamonds. Right now my poor wives have to share their jewelerrrry. This is note good"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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