After 18 months of being 'dazed & confused', President Barry Obamsky came out swinging today ordering his Attorney General to 'kick some ass' and start charging dissident taxpayers with 'hate crimes' for exposing government mismanagement and incompetence.
Obamsky's action follows a week of peaceful grass roots protests around the country by millions of disgruntled working people, and those who until recently were gainfully employed, who said they were 'sick, tired & broke' and wouldn't 'take it anymore!"
The demonstrations arose spontaneously after a series of reports this week about the inadequacies of government intervention and incompetence in just about anything in which they were involved.
Leading the parade was the announcement that the US Postal System lost
$3.5B....and that was just in the last quarter.
Following that was the usual report that Fannie Mae, recently exempted from the Dodd/Frank Financial Reform Bill, the bill that was supposed to correct their support of credit for unemployed welfare recipients, was going to require another $1.5B in bailout money, bringing the total to $148B since 2007, and $86B in aid just this year.
Social Security Administrators announced yesterday that the fund would be paying out more than it took in this year, primarily because Obama policies haven't put anybody but more Government Bureaucrats back to work.
A report on Medicaid indicates that 'at least' 10% of claims are fraudulent costing taxpayers a minimum of $30B a year.
Meanwhile, costs for Obamacare are skyrocketing with no end in sight, while promising to ration the country's high standard of medical attention, and hiring 17,000 new IRS agents to enforce the provisions.
Coincidentally , the IRS has not devoted any agents in an attempt to recover
$3b in delinquent taxes from 276,000 either active or retired government employees.
Adding to the malaise was the announcement that Government Motors (GM), now controlled by Obama and appointed Union officials, is back in the political game having 'donated' $41k of taxpayer money to....DEMOCRAT
Barney Frank , House Banking Chairman, is denying he intervened for Maxine Waters, the congresswoman who pushed for a 'minority' owned bank her husband was involved in, to get a $12B bailout despite the misuse of funds by the bank including buying Porsche automobiles for execs and unsecured loans.
Frank's mea culpa, included the amazing admission that he did intervene, but it was on behalf of a state legislator later convicted of bribery after being seen stuffing $100 bills into her ample bra. Meanwhile, the offending bank has missed five (5) dividend payments to the Department of the Treasury, apparently unnoticed by Tim "the taxman" Geithner.
To add insult to injury, The Clinton Dynasty recently put on a $5m wedding
display after current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton famously was quoted as saying 'big business should be sharing the wealth and profits should be limited." Costs of the wedding were paid for by 'donations' from well wishers.
Bill Clinton is expected to come out this week to endorse tax cheat and non-profit scammer Wyclef Jean for President of Haiti. Clinton, Obama's appointee as special ambassador to the devastated, but corrupt country, has promised 'to work closely with Wyclef on financial matters" as billions in aid continue to pour in.
In Spain, government officials are ecstatic that Michelle Obama chose that country to spend $1m in for a 4 day junket, while tourist centers in Vegas, the Gulf States, and middle America are barely getting by despite Obamsky's plea that "I feel you pain."
GM, which owes the American taxpayer over $62m, is getting set to issue an IPO after wiping out thousands of pension funds and widowers who held GM stock before it was taken over by Barry. Insiders say the IPO will generate
"millions for the union leaders now heading the company, and enable them to continue to pay pensions for at least 8 more months," that is before the Govt.
has to step in and bail them out.
Adding to the Morass, is Nancy Pelosi who has just called Congress back into session to pass a $26B emergency funding bill for the national teachers' union which refuses to pay even a portion of their health care benefits, resulting in municipalities threatening cutting back on teaching staff.
Obama, reacting to the criticism calls it 'unwarranted and basically racist oriented," but promised to call a conference August 17 made up of the last few Harvard graduates he hasn't hired as Czar's and headed by a Nobel Prize Winner who according to Barry, "is brilliant, speaks 12 languages, and knows his protons and neutrons inside out!"
As one astute observer noted, "The's a terrible thing to Lose...good thing we have plenty of that Swine Flue Serum left! Oh, wait, seems he
F*****d that up too....I'm off to the Isle of Wight!"