Revealed: Barack Hussein Obama was born in The Scammer Republic of Nigeria

Funny story written by rpm1978

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Yes it is true that Obama was not born in USA and yes it is true that his Dad was Kenyan, but Obama was born neither in USA or Kenya, Obama was in fact born in Nigeria, the country famous for scamming white people.

Why was Obama born there? Obama's father was involved in scamming white people including Obama's mama, once his mama realized the man was a scammer, she flew to Hawaii and attempted a forgery to make it look like Obama was born in Hawaii.

Obama's mama may have been scammed herself but she was trained by the Nigerian scammers on how to scam people and she taught the scammer traits to the Nigerian born Obama.

This would explain why Obama seems to not wanna do anything about scam artists all over the world, for he would be forced to admit he is a Nigerian scam artist himself.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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