Obama tells Cameron: "Shhhhh! They're gonna bust da Pope!"

Funny story written by queen mudder

Wednesday, 21 July 2010


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image for Obama tells Cameron: "Shhhhh! They're gonna bust da Pope!"
We're dumping Old Sauerkraut. Public trial. 250,000 paedos on his payroll. Fancy a black Chinese trannie for the next P

Washington AC/DC - (Papal Bullshit News): Three hours of blah, blah, Cheryl Cole/Osama's timeshare/BP/Lady Gaga/Mahmoud Ahmadinejad/Raoul Moat/Andy Roddick's penis extension... and it's curtains for Papa Ratzi, baby!

That's the upshot of the Obama-Cameron summit facetime - which culminated yesterday in a private view of the White House First Daughters' bedrooms for chrissakes!!

Just how weird can ya get?

According to our-man-with-the-covert-webcam it was there, outta earshot of security service hidden mikes and cameras, that Barack leaned over and whispered oh-so-softly in Big Dave's ear:

"We're dumping Old Sauerkraut. Massive public show trial. Quarter of a million paedos all on his payroll.

"How d'ya fancy a black Chinese trannie as the next Pope?"

The suggestion has left Cameron dumbstruck.

As Prime Monster of the United Kingdom he presides over the inevitable showdown with cops and spooks all gunning for Ratzinger's arse over a barrel.

The last straw came in the morning when the President's aide had to explain to that convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel-Basset Ali Al Megrahi is one of Ratzinger's bastard sons...along with BNP arsehole Nick Griffin and Gorgon Brown.

Chelsea Clinton is 69.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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