Obama's Evil Twin Surfaces In Saudi Arabia

Funny story written by rfreed

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

image for Obama's Evil Twin Surfaces In Saudi Arabia
Should Sheikh al-Barrak have his way even the statue of a woman will be removed.

A Barack by any other name might smell just as sweet, but there is one in Saudi Arabia that is a real stinker.

When Sheik al Ghandi, a higher up in Saudi society, made the courageous announcement that nothing in Islam should ban men and women from mixing socially in schools and offices, another cleric named al-Barrak restated firmly the present doctrine that anyone who permits the intermingling of sexes at work or study should be put to death unless they repent.

He went on to say that anyone who allows the females of any part of his family to attend planned mixed gender schools are guilty of "a type of pimping".

It is perhaps not by chance that Sheikh al-Barrak is a namesake of our U.S. President.

Perhaps like Spiderman Obama has a twin double who is evil that he has never been told about.

King Abdullah has been attempting to integrate Saudi women into the King Abdullah University For Science and Technology and declared that it would be coed.

This is the incident that began the whole hurrah.

Ironically, the word " baraka" in Arabic means "blessing".

The Sheikh al-Barrak should consider changing his name to whatever the Arabic word for "curse" is.

It would be more appropriate.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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