Secret of Obamas British parentage revealed

Funny story written by Rosey1

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

image for Secret of Obamas British parentage revealed
My mother is WHO? Holy Crap!

Left wing labour leader hopeful Diane Abbot was given a boost for the top job today when it was revealed that the baby she gave up for adoption as a teenager is none other than US president Barack Obama.

"Diane has been trying to trace her son for some time" our source told us. "Imagine her shock when she learned the true identity of her illegitimate love child"

"Diane was very young and impressionable when she fell for a senior politician" our source revealed. Obama is rumored to be the result of a short liasion between Abbot and Tory villain and novelist Geoffrey Archer.

Supportes of Abbot for the labour leadership hope that the revelation will strengthen her cause for the top job. "Imagine how we could harp on about our special relationship with a mother and son in the top jobs" our labour source commented. "In fact, the balance of power may well be altered, with Obama having to do as his mother tells him - America will be the poodles of the British for a change"

Archer today was unavailable for comment, being banged up for fraud.

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