International Space Station sex ban

Funny story written by Lady Godiva

Monday, 28 June 2010


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image for International Space Station sex ban
Don't you think I'm sexy? I'm wearing a 'teddy' under this

Ooh! No sex at the Space Station. Bummer! Some people spoil all the fun.

Let's get serious here. Mr. Poindexter, a NASA commander, wants no hanky panky on the Space Station. Who can blame him. This is serious stuff.

Just think about it for a moment. All that movement during sex acts could send the Space Station way off course.

Also, weightlessness could be a problem. You might find yourself floating around to 'connect' with your 'partner' and if another couple were floating around at the same time - you may end up with the wrong 'partner' and be helpless to do anything about it.

Also, where would all the 'products' end up? Floating around inside the Space Station, clogging up controls. This could spell disaster with a capital D.

I agree with Mr. Poindexter - ban sex at the Space Station. If astronauts cannot go for a bit without a bit then don't allow them to be sent out into space.

There are some people who just want to do better than members of The Mile High Club. Sad but true.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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