French President Nicolas Sarkozy is said to have repeatedly threatened to pull out unless a woman screamed like a whore. French civil servants have admitted that he also wanted her to dress like a Greek goddess and pretend to be sinking.
Jean-Luc De Merde said "Oui, it is true. The President kept saying he would pull out unless he got his own way. He would stamp his little feet and continue to make his threats. In the end she had to give in to his demands."
Sarkozy also once banged on the table so hard that it even disturbed Angela Merkel in the next room. She thought Berlusconi was bad enough. This nearly broke the Franco-German axis. He kept her up all night with his banging. The Germans have denied that there was any problem, and insist that Sarkozy was a quiet and refined gentleman.
Opinion polls have given Sarkozy an improved rating following this news. Gordon Brown now regrets not being a little more kinky.