Alternative view: Is David Icke right do reptiles rule

Funny story written by SPECTRUM

Monday, 12 April 2010

image for Alternative view: Is David Icke right do reptiles rule
Sometimes when reptiles meet they start turning green beginning transformation to being reptiles

David Icke was once thought of as a complete Nutter after he appeared in the Wogan show in 1991, but a lot of what he said has come to be true and he now fills halls all over the world, with his talks about the state of the planet, aliens, Illuminati and the Reptile Agenda.

Icke believes that just as in the same way as shown on the television series V, there are Reptiles, in positions of power throughout the World, posing as humans. These reptiles, he claims are members of the Illuminati or illuminated ones, they control banks, oil companies, governments, the media, and many are members of so called Royal Families. Icke has even stated that the Queen of England and George W Bush are reptiles.

Take a dollar bill and look at the back you will see a pyramid with an eye above the majority of the pyramid. This is the symbol of the Illuminati, the eye above the rest of the people who are kept in the dark as to what is really going on in the World.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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