At this General Election you won't here any news on television, or newspapers about The Republican Party, because most views are censored just like Nazis censored everything that did not agree with Nazi Philosophy.
Lets look at the policies of the Republican Party you never know you might like it. The first step is the total abolition of monarchy and seizing of the Queens estimated 400 million pound fortune and that's before you start including all the other royals that have massive wealth.
We would then send her to Northern Ireland where she can rule as Queen there because your never going to change them any way. All citizens born in England , Scotland ,and Wales will be given a MILLION POUNDS each from the monarchs fortune. Don't worry even giving everybody a million pounds there would still be plenty left over to use to help the homeless,we could even convert Buckingham Palace into flats and nobody would be homeless as it should be anyway.
With everybody having a million pounds factories would need to produce more to keep up with demand as people would go on a spending spree. This would lead to 100% employment as demand for goods would rise to a staggering amount.
So think do you want a million pounds or would you rather vote in, the same unscrupulous bastards again, and again, and again.