Worlds smallest man dies after attempting to have sex on a bar stool!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Wednesday, 17 March 2010


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image for Worlds smallest man dies after attempting to have sex on a bar stool!
Long-legged Natasha was a bit too much for tiny Mr. Pingpong, he nearly made it though!

The worlds smallest man, 21 inches and Chinese, has had a fatal accident after being approached by a kinky, lon-legged beauty at a pole-dancing venue in downtown Rotherham, UK, after being presented with a pint of Guiness in honour of his record.

Raunchy long-legged Natasha, pole-dancing olympian, (man can she bend it!), always fancied hitting the headlines instead of being only known for her feats upon the pole (slither)

She approached Mr. HE PINGPONG, lifted him on to the bar stool, straggled her legs across his tiny piece and just as Pingpong was about to enter he slipped, fell off of the stool, landed on the sawdusty floor, on his head and had a heart attack, AAAGH!

Natasha done a runner before the punters could pick up Pingpong, still stiff, but sadly he was already dead.

Well, at least he went out in a last minute "huge" flourish instead of a "TINY" flutter!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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